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March Meet the Maker

As many of you may already know from reading my earlier blog post last month, March was a very busy time for all of us artists out there as it was #Marchmeetthemaker month!

March Meet the Maker is a 31 day Instagram challenge, created by the designer Joanne Hawker. The idea behind it is to get creative people and small businesses all over the world involved with sharing their work, telling people a little bit about themselves, sharing advice, recommendations and ultimately get involved in one of the biggest communities online!

I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the Meet the Maker community. I have made lots of new acquaintances, friends, contacts and new customers from taking part and will definitely be involved next year!

It required a lot of planning coming up with different themed Instagram posts each day. However it really got me thinking about my business and where I can make improvements to make it the best experience for you, my lovely customers out there.

I would highly recommend being involved to anyone who has a creative business. It is so inspirational seeing what other people have been creating, how they work and how they got started setting up their own businesses.

I've pulled together a few highlights from Instagram below. To see the full 31 day posts - please follow me on Instagram. To sign up to my full newsletter mailing list and receive all the latest Morvenna updates please sign up here.

Day 1

About Me

  • As part of #marchmeetthemaker I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself! My name is Morven Anne Robertson and I am a 33 year old artist living and working in Edinburgh. I love art and design in all forms and you can find me being inspired in many of the art galleries far and wide across the UK, as well as attending local events. I have a huge passion for music and cooking and when you don't find me painting away i'll be playing my piano or electric guitar or creating some new culinary delight! More to follow in future posts about questions 2 and 3 - where and how I started! #morvenna #morvennauk#marchmeetthemaker2018 #penandink#scotlandart #scotlandartist #numonday#folksy #introduction #aboutme #whoami#cooking #music #hobbies #whatilove#meetthemaker #edinburghartist#edinburghart #smallbusiness#smallbusinessscotland#mondaymotivation #blackandwhite#arts_promo


Day 3

About Me

  • The day 3 challenge on #marchmeetthemaker is to tell you a little bit about how I got started. As mentioned, I studied at Art College and focused very much on Digital with my degree in Multimedia Technology. I love traditional media but I get great satisfaction from the effects that can be made using digital methods and am a massive fan of the Adobe Suite, in particular photo manipulation, illustration and video/post production. I have always had a strong creative streak and it has always been my dream to run my own business. Ultimately I would love to have my very own bricks and mortar store. However I am thoroughly enjoying selling online, especially as I currently work in marketing full time. I have over ten year's experience working in design and marketing agency environments and this has given me much knowledge and inspiration to promote my work - lots more to do though! :) my old Morvenna logo is on this post - as you can see I have moved in a different direction from here - though as a Scorpio I love it! #meetthemaker #marchmeetthemaker2018#meetthemakerdaythree #morevnna#morvennauk #scotlandartist#edinburghartist #numonday #wix #folksy#etsy #smallbusiness #howistarted#traditionalart #digitalart #adobesuite#postproduction #illustrationartists#edinburgh #scorpio #gothicart


Day 6



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